Food for Thought Blog

Posts tagged with 'my plate'

Summer Meals at The FOOD Pantry


The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) provides nutritious meals to children age 18 or younger during the summer months. The FOOD Pantry is partnering with Milwaukee Center for Independence (MCFI) to provide pantry boxes that have seven days of breakfast and lunch for each child.

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Foods That Will Help Boost Your Immune System


Good nutrition is key for building a strong immune system and to protect our bodies from getting things like viruses, colds or even the seasonal flu. There is not just one food or vitamin supplement that can prevent illness but you can help support your immune system by including some of these nutritious and vitamin rich foods in your overall eating plan on a regular basis.

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From Hunger to Health


More than 40 years ago, a group of visionary Waukesha County residents began what is now known as The FOOD Pantry Serving Waukesha County. Their mission was to ensure that any person in need had access to free food to help reduce the negative impacts of poverty. The mission remains, but the vision has grown and evolved over time on a journey we call from Hunger to Health.

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